Lactation Support

About our lactation support services:

We offer services in our Bexley office to address breastfeeding challenges. We provide support to help you reach your breastfeeding goals and parent coaching to assist with bottle feeding and introduction of solids. With specialty training in bodywork modalities, we incorporate TummyTime! Method and bodywork techniques, such as craniosacral therapy and myofascial release into lactation sessions to provide holistic care for babies and parents.

What about tongue tie?

Special training in Tethered Oral Tissues allows us to assist with pre- and post- frenectomy care, improving oral motor function to optimize milk transfer and early feeding skills. We will work with you to develop a multi-disciplinary team to ensure the best outcome for your child.

NEW! Bodywork for Breastfeeding Group 

In our new Bodywork for Breastfeeding group classes, you will learn the TummyTime! Method for therapeutic tummy time and infant massage techniques with proven clinical benefits and better feeding outcomes for babies. Click here for more details.




Services offered to residents of Ohio, Michigan, California, and Florida.